

Everything you should know about PTFE

What is PTFE? PTFE is a material in the family of fluoropolymer plastics. PTFE was the "miracle" fluoropolymer invented in the 1940's, although at the time it lacked a market or problem to solve, and was hard to make and process. Since then,...

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How PTFE, FEP, and PFA can help your company save money

Over the years, we have highlighted how businesses from various industries could benefit from using fluoropolymers over plastics for tubing, heat transfer, and many other applications. Fluoropolymers are a polymer made of up of fluoride and carbon, and one of...

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What Is Monofilament Fiber Used for?

One of the fluoropolymer products we manufacture for many different industries is monofilament fiber. In a nutshell, monofilament is a single filament of synthetic fiber. Monofilament is made by melting and mixing polymers. The polymer mixture is then extruded through...

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Why are catheters lined with PTFE?

If you’re imagining how a catheter is used, you might wonder if catheter insertion hurts. It usually doesn’t but it can cause some discomfort. In order to minimize any pain or distress of insertion, catheter manufacturers are always looking for new methods and materials that will reduce friction.
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Abrasion Resistant Bowden 3D Printer 2x4 mm PTFE RepRap Tubing

Fluorostore introduces a new abrasion resistant grade Bowden 2 x 4 mm tubing for mineral filled filaments. These filament materials are now being introduced to the market to provide increased structural stability and integrity to printed 3D products. Mineral fillers include materials such as...

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Fluoropolymers in the wild

Here are some popular and novel uses of PTFE, FEP, PFA, and other fluoropolymers supplied by Fluorotherm Polymers and Fluorostore in the wild.  Scent Opera - NYTimes

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New Products for 2016

We've added 3 new products for 2016. FEP Heat Shrink Tubing Rolls, Probe Covers, and Striped Tubing round out our current product listing. Each has a specific purpose for a wide variety of industries, be sure to check them out! 

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Boost Heat Transfer with FEP and PFA Heat-Conductive Tubing

Our partners at Fluorotherm have developed a new fluoropolymer product out of FEP and PFA resins that achieves high heat transfer efficiency while retaining the chemical inertness and resistance of fluoropolymers. Created from FEP and PFA resins, it retains the...

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