How Fluoropolymer Tubing Can Be Used In Water Applications

How Fluoropolymer Tubing Can Be Used In Water Applications

Fluoropolymers are popularly known for their remarkable resistance to harsh external elements when used in a wide variety of applications. From construction materials to water sampling projects and environmental testing procedures, fluoropolymers are an excellent choice for individuals looking to get the best results.

Fluoropolymer tubing distinguishes itself from other materials with its outstanding adaptability and unique features. And each type of fluoropolymer tube offers distinct advantages for different applications. Whether you’re looking for tubing with high tensile strength, tubing with great chemical resistance, or tubing that works perfectly in extremely high or low-temperature applications, you’re sure to find some in our catalogue of fluoropolymer tubing. 

We offer a wide range of fluoropolymer tubing types, including PTFE Tubing, FEP, PFA, Heat-shrink tubing, and PVDF tubing – many of which make excellent construction materials for lots of water applications. Read on to find out how fluoropolymer tubing can be used in some water applications.

Fluoropolymer Tubing For Water Applications

Fluoropolymer tubing in water sampling in lakes

Surface water samples are generally collected either by immediately filling the container from the surface water body being tested or by decanting the water from a collecting device such as a stainless steel scoop or other equipment. The fluoropolymer tube for water sampling is used off the side of a dock, boat, or any structure that can keep professionals afloat during the process.

Usually, the tube is constructed such that it is connected to a valve that goes only one way. Then the fluoropolymer tube is dropped into the water slowly. When it has reached the intended level, the valve is opened, and water flows into the tube. After water enters the tube, it is slowly lifted to collect the sample, and as this happens, the valve is locked, thus allowing the water to stay in the tube.

Fluoropolymers do not leach chemicals, off gas, add, remove or modify any component of the water sample, unlike other materials. This maintains the integrity of the water sample collected, and provides 100% reliability of the test results.


Fluoropolymer tubing in water disinfection 

Water disinfection is a vital part of water processing in any area, residential or commercial. Generally, companies use porous PTFE tubing to send ozone and disinfectants into water. This tubing can be applied in swimming pools, lakes, hot tubs, aquaculture projects, and spas. These tubes are then retrofitted into these water bodies in such a way that they will deliver a sufficient amount of disinfectants at the right time.

Think of it like an air stone or diffuser. How does it work? These tubes are connected to a UV ozone generator. They then convey released ozone to the body of water they open to at the other end. Upon delivery, the ozone does its job of disinfecting the water and killing bacteria.

It’s important to note that if it is a swimming pool, the ozone is usually deactivated after being treated by activated charcoal. This deactivation is to prevent the side effects of lingering exposure to ozone, such as respiratory damage.

It’s also worth noting that fluoropolymer paints are used to coat swimming pools. Swimming pool constructors especially use fluoropolymer paints for pool coating because it doesn't oxidize. Its inability to oxidize makes it very durable and thus an excellent choice for pool construction. Additionally, fluoropolymer paints do not lose their quality due to aging under the harsh effects of UV lights and disinfectants like chlorine.


Fluoropolymer tubing in deionized water

Fluoropolymer tubes are chemically inert, which makes them perfect for carrying active chemicals. This property also makes them perfect for the transfer of deionized water. Deionized water (DI water) is water that has been treated either through electrodeionization, ion exchange, or reverse osmosis to remove contaminants that carry electrical charges, such as mineral ions.

To protect this water from getting reionized through improper handling, a chemically inert material like the fluoropolymer tube is perfect for transfer, thus preventing auto-ionization and contamination. This has various applications from use in aquariums to laboratories and industries.


Fluoropolymer tubing in environmental testing 

Environmental testing of underground terrains is another major use for fluoropolymers. Here, its use ranges from tubes to sampling bags. Underground sampling usually involves high pressure, extreme temperatures, highly reactive corrosive substances, and physical influences like sharp edges. This makes fluoropolymer tubing perfect for it.

For instance, in underground sampling involving water contaminated by toxic chemical spills or reactive glasses, the sampling bags coated with fluoropolymer have low permeability, so they will not leak out. The tube that transports the sample to the sampling bag is also made of fluoropolymer tubing, which protects against cross-contamination of the substance it carries with the surrounding.

This underground sampling can be done in several ways, including:

  • Pump sampling 
  • Depth sampling

Pump sampling

Sampling pumps are used to remove tiny amounts of liquid from a larger batch for testing purposes. Here, after a hole has been drilled to assess the underground chemistry, a pump is lowered into the ground to draw water. When the pump has collected an adequate amount of water, it is then withdrawn.

Testing on the collected sample is done for the following reasons:

  • Quality control: This is the process of ensuring that a sample of liquid satisfies the specified quality standard for a certain batch. Fluids can also be tested for contaminants, chemical presence, and concentrations, which can be valuable during product development or overall quality control.
  • Ascertaining value: In oilfield applications, samples of drilling mud may be obtained to measure physical qualities, and tiny traces of constituents can be taken to determine the profitability of a hydrocarbon deposit.

Depth sampling

This technique is usually utilized when the particular depth to be sampled is known. The device used in this technique is called a water depth sampler, and it is dropped to that particular depth. After it has spent enough time, it is retrieved for the sample to be analyzed.


The use of fluoropolymer tubes in water applications, from sterilization to testing and transportation of fluid, is just the tip of the iceberg of how versatile and useful this tube is in our daily lives. It has wide applications and would be a good addition to any industrial process.

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