Four Plastics Classified as Thermoplastics

If you use heat shrink tubing, you know how important thermoplastics are in the manufacturing world.  Thermoplastics have a variety of uses, and they’re found in a variety of modern products.  Manufacturers love thermoplastic because of its versatility.  The polymer becomes pliable and moldable when it’s heated to a specific temperature, and still has the ability to return to a solid state when its cooled.  You may even be using some thermoplastics without knowing it.  You may be surprised to learn that these plastic materials are classified as thermoplastics.

Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)

PMMA is known by a lot of different names.  Lucite, Perspex, Plexiglas, and Acrylic are all names for this versatile and popular thermoplastic.  PMMA has been used as a tough substitute for glass, and has been used in medicine as bone cement and to replace eye lenses.

Polytetrafluoroethylene  (PTFE)

Since PTFE has one of the lowest coefficients of friction against any solid, it is the perfect material to use for non-stick coating.  Since the material is very non-reactive, some manufacturers use the material to make containers and pipework for corrosive and reactive chemicals.


Most people know that nylon is a synthetic material, but they aren’t aware of the fact that nylon is technically a thermoplastic.  Nylon can be used to make tough materials like rope and carpet, or can be used in brush bristles and pantyhose.  Many manufacturers use nylon in the manufacture of heat resistant materials because of its thermoplastic properties.


Polystyrene may be one of the most versatile thermoplastics around.  The material can be rigid and tough or can be foamed and light.  Polystyrene is solid at room temperature, but can easily flow if it’s heated above 100 degrees Celsius.

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